Monday 16 September 2019

hever castle, kent, childhood home of Anne Boleyn


and more topiary

The italian garden

and fountain

and roses

The moat
The castle

and inner courtyard

The lake with japenese teahouse at the end

Layered fruit trees and they had bee hives too

The tudor village at back of castle
Lovely swan
and the ducks were just amazing-so friendly
Hever castle at entrance

Swans and ducks were swimming together in this stretch of water

Sunday 4 August 2019

Hyde hall flower show, -selection of photos

hydrangeas on display

red hot pokers in the foreground

pink water lillies

lovely displays of plants
beautiful purple plant-not sure of its name-very striking
giant thistles

and holly hocks in the cottage garden

lots of plants to buy and on display

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Monday 18 March 2019

In my garden-spring has sprung

Forsythia bush- flowers without fail every year

Skimmia japonica-red buds in winter and white flowers in spring-just coming into flower

Hebe and primroses -hebe gets purple flowers